Session — ASN Events
Effects of Ligand Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ in Granulosa Cell Tumours Successes today and tomorrow Cushing's syndrome hypertension and virilisation from a malignant adrenal cortical tumour in a 5 months old baby with Li Fraumeni syndrome Targeting Hsp90-dependent functional maturation of the androgen receptor in human prostate cancer The cytokine environment and pregnancy success Fuel on Fire Reproduction, Fertility & Development: New developments in 2012 and beyond The STRA8/RA/CYP26B1 Pathway And The Control Of Meiosis In Marsupials Cross talk of the androgen receptor and DNA damage pathways: molecular and translational prostate cancer relevance Looking after the maternal legacy: Mitochondrial dynamics and function in the oocyte to embryo transition. Sperm maturation: Lessons from our distant relatives, the monotremes Overweight, obesity and central obesity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis Cardiometabolic effects of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Real Deal? Long-term persistence of hormonal adaptations to weight loss Postnatal peripheral inflammatory challenge alters expression of ovarian signalling pathway - implications for impaired reproductive development.   Nutrition interventions to prevent diabetes Interventions to prevent diabetes: Exercise Surgery and Pharmacotherapy Intervention for Obesity Stem cells, estrogens and local hormone action in prostate health and disease. ESA-Antibiotic Resistance, Guidelines and Stewardship