Chairs: Lisa Akison & Keith Jones
Betaglycan counters NFkB-mediated survival in human granulosa tumour cells (#148)
11:00 AM
The temporo-spacial expression of BMP, FSH and LH receptors during early follicular development. (#149)
11:15 AM
A new model of development of the mammalian ovary and follicles. (#150)
11:30 AM
Metabolomic analysis of the follicular fluid to identify better biomarkers of atresia (#151)
11:45 AM
The pro-apoptotic Bim regulates germ cell death during ovarian development (#152)
12:00 PM
Premature Separation of Dyads is the origin for maternal age related aneuploidy in mammalian eggs found from chromosome tracking (#153)
12:15 PM
Low dose LPS insult during pre-implantation period programs fetal developmentĀ (#154)
12:30 PM
Insulin-like growth factor 1 acts as an autocrine factor to improve early embryogenesis in vitro (#155)
12:45 PM