Chairs: Jeremy Thompson & Kaye Stenvers
Regulated Wnt/beta-catenin signalling is intrinsically required for adult spermatogenesis (#47)
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The Anaphase-Promoting Complex activator Fizzy-Related-1 (FZR1) is essential for the mitotic divisions of early mammalian embryos but not for the completion of female meiosis (#48)
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Growth Hormone's mode of action upregulates FSH, LH and BMP receptor expression on granulosa cells from IVF patients. (#49)
3:30 PM
Melatonin prevents oocyte aging in the mouse and extends the window for optimal fertilization in vitro (#50)
3:45 PM
CDC14B role in male meiosis (#51)
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Capacitation in the presence of methyl -β- cyclodextrin results in lipid raft migration and enhanced zp-binding ability of stallion sperm in vitro (#52)
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The Presence of a truncated DNA base excision repair pathway in human spermatozoa, mediated by OGG1 (#53)
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RAB-Like 2 (RABL2) function in male fertility, intra-flagella transport and sperm tail assembly (#54)
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