Chairs: Charles Allan & Matthew Jobling
Musashi-2: an essential regulator of DNA recombination and repair (#31)
1:00 PM
Involvement of an uncharacterised microtubule-severing enzyme, KATNAL2, in spermatogenesis (#32)
1:15 PM
Meiosis does not require a fully functional blood-testis barrier (#33)
1:30 PM
LRGUK-1 has a critical role in the formation of the acrosome, manchette and tail axoneme (#34)
1:45 PM
Identifying Biomarkers of Chronic Acrylamide Exposure in the Male Germ Line. (#35)
2:00 PM
Testicular spermatogenic cells activate inflammatory signalling pathways linked to the Toll-like receptors (#36)
2:15 PM