Session — ASN Events
The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 1B (BMPR-1B) in Mouse Ovarian Follicular Development Lipotoxicity in Pancreatic β-cells and the Protective Effects of Adiponectin in vitro Adult growth hormone deficiency Outcome and Responsiveness, from clinic to pharmacogenomics Repropedia: a Reproductive Lexicon to Fill the Gap in Reproductive Terminology Taking the Skeleton out of the Closet: Performance and Cost-effectiveness of a ‘Fracture Capture’ Service Musashi-2: an essential regulator of DNA recombination and repair Special K: A rare case of Gitelman's Syndrome and Diabetes Mellitus A case of life-threatening hypercalcaemia – a parathyroid ‘storm’ Genomic imprinting in the post-natal marsupial Early Life Programming Of Brown Adipose Tissue Thermogenesis RF-amide Related Peptide-3 (RFRP-3) Neurons do not Mediate Leptin Actions Synacthen Responsiveness Marks Innate Differences in Muscle Thermogenesis Predisposing Toward Obesity Why females ovulate more aneuploid eggs as they get older. Pulsatile Growth Hormone Secretion is Inversely Correlated to Adiposity and Circulating Levels of Leptin in Mice Nutritional programming of adipose tissue in the tammar wallaby     Sexy Genes: Identification Of Sox3 As An Xx Male Sex Reversal Gene In Mice And Man De novo steroidogenesis in prostate cancer cells is increased by insulin-like growth factor II. A Case of Carcinoid Heart Disease KLK4-initiated protease cleavage of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4 at the surface of prostate cancer cells - a possible mechanism for regulation of EphB4 signaling. FOXO1 regulates contraction-associated proteins in human myometrial cells: implications for preterm birth Identification of novel LRH-1 target genes in breast cancer cells iPS cells retain an epigenetic memory from their somatic cell of origin which influence their differentiation potential. Generation of a doxycycline-inducible mammary specific Liver Receptor Homolog-1 knock-in mouse The Presence of a truncated DNA base excision repair pathway in human spermatozoa, mediated by OGG1 Proteomic analysis of diapause and reactivated endometrium of Macropus eugenii (tammar wallaby) using Nano-cHiPLC-MS/MS